Monday, May 08, 2006

Europe is our playground

Wow. I feel like I've been away for years.

Without revealing my itinerary, I can tell you that I had an amazing time abroad. I walked miles and miles a day, seeing old statues and churches and lovely cobble-stone streets and more churches and buildings hundred years old that looked like something out of a fairy tale and did I mention the churches? I ate things I normally don't eat-- sausages and stews and unusual cheeses and smoked fish and countless forms of bread-- in fact, I ate like it was my job, putting in a lot of overtime. I drank local wines and beer and Broadway Brenda (my traveling companion) and I spent two nights running serenading a bus full of tipsy middle-aged tourists with Abba songs. I sat in a lot of outdoor cafes, people-watching, scribbling in my journal, and drinking the best coffee I have ever tasted in my life (with sugar, instead of the artificial sweeteners I usually favor). I rode on foreign roller coasters and walked across foreign bridges, hair blown back in the wind, marveling at postcard views. I heard a medley of foreign languages and accents. I took pictures of flower sellers and outdoor markets and young couples in love and breathtaking cityscapes. I learned more about Broadway Brenda in ten days than I have in the previous year we've been friends. I slept in four different hotel beds, woke up from a kaleidoscope of strange dreams, to see more cities, more towns. I struggled with local currency and bought handcrafted souvenirs and chocolates and wrote postcards and sent text messages to Drama David every day.

I didn't kiss any boys while I was away. That was never an issue. I missed Drama David and couldn't wait to return to him.

It has been a happy reunion and I'm thrilled to announce that Drama David is now officially Boyfriend David. More on that later on.

Oh, and remind me to tell you about my mishap with a little drug known as Ambien...


Jim Day said...

Ambien...well, I can think of worse things to have in your system....assuming you don't have anything important to do within a few hours of taking it. ;-)

Reading this has brought back a little of my own wanderlust....

coasta said...

>and drinking the best coffee I have ever tasted in my life

Before I moved to Sydney, I had not realized how woefully lacking the US is when it comes to coffee.

An Aussie buddy of mine just visited NYC and wrote this on his travelogue. It was a accompanied by a picture of the most gamey looking latte I've ever seen.


latte report # 2 - yes everyone. yes. THIS is a NY latte... please forgive the overflowing milk puff followed by boiling hot tounge-scalding sourness... i won't mention the 'cappuccino' written ever so subtly on the side. lovely. not.

LaMa said...

Churches, cobble streets, good coffee, cheeses, smoked fish, bridges...: hmmm, sounds it could actually be my country...

pookalu said...

welcome back, you globe-trotter!

you were missed.

and now i want a cup of coffee.

NotCarrie said...

Yay for Europe AND Drama David!

Auntie Mom said...

Glad to have you back!

I don't know why, but I started a new blog here.

I have no idea how to navigate this thing! :)

jo said...

sounds like you had a fabulous time. which part of europe did you go to?

yeahs to drama david being boyfriend david :)

James said...

"[i]I spent two nights running serenading a bus full of tipsy middle-aged tourists with Abba songs...

"I rode on foreign roller coasters and walked across foreign bridges, hair blown back in the wind, marveling at postcard views...

"I slept in four different hotel beds, woke up from a kaleidoscope of strange dreams, to see more cities, more towns...."

Still quotable as ever :-) Your travel writing is as good as your romance writing.

But what were you doing taking Zolpidem?